There is so much to say about this shoot, as it’s very near and dear to my heart. The amount of planning, dreaming, coordination, and communication that went into it was extensive, but a part of what made it so rewarding.
Shooting at this cabin was a dream come true, and I really mean that. This cabin was originally built in the 50’s by a talented architect, and in the last several years has been restored by the Gill family. It sits 2,500 feet above sea level, and you have to take a pretty windy and very private road to make it all the way up. It’s even better in person than I imagined it to be. The porch overlooks the west side mountains, and the elevation is so high that the weather is cool, which is so unique to Hawai’i. It feels like a masterpiece, and while you’re there you can help but feel inspired
We brought records and had the record player going, loaded our 100 film cameras, shot a bunch of polaroids and drank a bunch of red bull for fuel. We got to all just hang out for the day and create and laugh together and it was just the best.
Getting these film scans back was a feeling I won’t quickly forget, and a massive reason I’ve started the switch to trying to shoot majority film. I was immediately shocked that I had taken these photos, and also just immediately proud of my work. I realized how rare that feeling can be, and I’m just so thankful for all the hands that went into creating on this day in order to give me that. Our friends Sarah and Cody who stuck it out with us the whole day, Cam who stuck it out with me for months trying to plan this thing, Liza who was an amazing host, and Rachel who makes amazing gowns here in Hawai’i and is just such a gem of a human!
The amount to share from this day is endless. Because of the amount of photos, I broke the day up into 4 parts: the morning, the afternoon, the evening, and black and white. Each set tells its own unique story through the photos, and I really hope you take the time to sift through them!
These are my favorite photos to date and I’m excited to share them all on here :)
You can read more about the cabin here: Ossipoff
Their Instagram: Insta
Sarah’s dress: De La Rosa
You can find the other 3 parts of this story here.