This home is a special place to Olivia and Alika.
Alika’s family has been coming to this home for years, so naturally when he and Olivia got together, he brought her here. Once Olivia got the chance to visit this place and learn more about Alika’s roots, she knew she wanted to marry him. Fast forward years later, and they invited us to spend a morning with them here. They wanted to keep things natural, following the exact same routine they follow every time they come and visit: making the same breakfast, drinking out of the same mugs, eating at the same picnic table by the ocean. It was a really special morning documenting these two in a place that feels so familiar and comfortable to them. To top it off, they are now expecting, which just made the session feel even more full circle and meaningful.
Super honored to be invited into such intimate spaces of couple’s lives — we don’t take that for granted. Thank you to anyone who has chosen to let us in on some unique and special moments. We’re forever grateful :)
I’m sharing some really good reasons to have your session in a place that is meaningful to you below.
1: Emotional connection — By choosing a place that holds meaning for both partners, like where you had your first date, got engaged, or a place that you simply enjoy spending time together, you can feel more connected to each other and the experience. This emotional connection can help our time together feel more open, and the images hold more meaning.
2: Comfortable environment — Being in a place that feels familiar and comfortable can help you to relax and be more yourselves during the session. This can lead to more authentic and natural photos, as well as a more enjoyable experience overall :)
3: Nostalgia — Revisiting a place that holds special memories for you can bring back feelings of nostalgia and help you to reflect on your journey together. You can also look back at the images and not only think about our time together, but all the other times you spent there as well.
So let’s shoot in a place that means something to you! Not just somewhere that offers a pretty backdrop. Let’s do normal things, every day things that feel mundane — because one day, you’ll look back and realize those were the times that hold the most significance. Reach out here and let’s get started :) Connect